Social Media Mining Notes
In recent years, with the development of networks and virtual communities, social media [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] has become ubiquitous and prosperous for social networking and content sharing based on the foundations of Web 2.0. Everyone can be a media outlet or producer and the barrier of communication disappeared. Research[7] shows that the audience spends 22 percent of their time on social networking sites, people all over the world are creating, exchanging information and socializing online, thus proving how popular social media platforms have become. Furthermore, social media depending on mobiles and web-based technologies to create highly interactive platforms brings people together in more creative and easier ways.
Social media provides opportunities to understand individuals at scale and mine human behavioral patterns by integrating social theories and computational sciences [8, 9, 10]. However, social media data[8] is massive, dynamic, linked, noisy, loosely defined and incomplete which is different from those in traditional data mining area and calls for novel data mining techniques that can handle user-generated content[11] with rich social relations effectively. The study and development of these new techniques is called Social Media Mining, an emerging discipline under the umbrella of data mining.
Social Media Mining(SMM) [10, 12, 13] is the process of representing, analyzing, and extracting actionable patterns from social media data. SMM represents the virtual world of social media in a computable way, and designs models that can help us understand its interactions. SMM covers a series of research areas [14, 15, 16],
Social Network Structural Properties and Their Evolution
• Network Measures[17]
• Network Models[17]
• Community Detection [18, 19, 20]
Social Groups and Their Interaction Law
• Sentiment Analysis [21, 22, 23, 24]
• Behavior Analysis [8, 25, 26]
• User Migration Patterns [27, 28]
• Trust in Social Media [29, 30, 31, 32]
• User Vulnerability Management [33, 34, 35] • Link Prediction [36, 37, 38]
Information Dissemination in Social Network
• Information Propagation [39, 40, 41, 42]
• Influence and Homophily [43]
• Provenance of Information in Social Media [44, 45, 46, 47]
Marketing & Crowdsourcing [48]
• Recommendation in Social Media [49, 50, 51]
• Location-based Social Network Mining [52, 28, 53, 54] • Social Search [55, 56, 57]
• Data Cleansing [58, 59]
• Spam Detection [60, 61, 62]
• Social Media in Crisis [63, 64]
However, the emergence of SMM raises new research challenges [65, 66, 8, 11, 67, 4, 68, 69, 70, 20, 71, 72, 10, 16].
Too Much Data and Too Less Data [10]
Social media data is massive, however, it’s not just a matter of Scale. We can observe global phenomena the generated from social media data, but invisible at smaller scales, say, don’t really know what any one node or link means. So it is important to find the point where the lines of research converge. It’s easy to measure macro-level things; hard to pose nuanced questions, especially micro-level, which is the dilemma we are facing.
Noise Removal [10]
Actually, the key point of SMM is to find significant conversations and act on it. However, by some estimates, almost half of Twitter accounts are either ciphers or spams(also, Spam Detection is a hot research area of SMM). Social media noise can be a real productivity issue for anyone involved in SMM area.
Privacy Protection [66]
Many large datasets is based on media (e-mail, IM, voice) which contains lots of user private information. With more detailed data, anonymization has run into trouble. So privacy protection is another factor we can take into account to evaluate a SMM system.
Dynamic Networks, Changing All the Time [16]
As social networks are dynamic, discovering communities and build corresponding social graphs from social data will continue to be a dynamic research challenge. Besides, public opinions or interests will change with time, it’s also a hard job to do sentiment analysis.
Multiple Provenace [44, 73]
Social media is decentralized which means that information can be published by anyone on social media networks. This kind of environment provides unique challenges for tracking provenances.
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Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Cai-Jun Sun
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